Musca domestica
Scientific Name

The house fly is the most common fly species found in houses. House flies are a nuisance and transmit disease. They are are referred to as a filth fly. House flies feed and breed in garbage, animal waste, and sewage. They defecate a lot. A house fly will land on a pile of dog poop, inspect it thoroughly with its feet, then will promptly fly over to your food and land on it. House flies are known to transmit at least 65 diseases and infections, including dysentery, typhoid salmonella, cholera, giardiasis, and more. House flies live almost everywhere there are people.
Identification – What do house flies look like?
House flies range in color from light gray to dark gray. They are small and oval shaped. House flies have 2 large compound eyes toward the side of the head and 3 simple eyes on the top of the head, 4 black stripes on their thorax, and very small hairs on their body. They have 1 pair of membranous wings, 6 legs, and 2 antennae. House flies are .24 to .28 inches long.
Habitat and Habits of house flies
Indoors, houseflies generally rest on walls, ceilings, floors, and hear human food. Outdoors, house flies rest on plants, ground, or trash cans. Houseflies feed on a variety of organic matter including food, liquid, and feces. House flies can only ingest fluid. They land on the solid food source, vomit on it – which creates a solution – then suck it up. This behavior contaminates food. House flies taste with their feet.
House flies live in rural and urban areas, especially where humans live. They are mainly found in temperate regions. They reproduce quickly. From egg to fly takes about a month. House flies usually live 15 to 30 days but may live up to 2 months.
Diet – What do house flies eat?
House flies eat decaying matter, sugar, flower nectar, and feces.
House Fly Control – How to get rid of house flies?
Flies infestations can quickly spread throughout a home. Hiring an experienced company that provides fly control services is a homeowner’s best bet to eliminate the presence of flies and prevent infestations from recurring.