Scientific Name

Raccoons are medium sized mammals who are well known for the black bandit like mask on their face. Raccoons are a familiar sight just about every where, because they will eat just about anything. Raccoons are intelligent, pesky animals that can be a nuisance. They will oftentimes invade trash cans to find leftover food. There are 7 species of raccoons. They are native to North American but can be also ound in Central and South America. Raccoons can transmit disease to humans such as leptospirosis and rabies.
Identification – What do raccoons look like?
Raccoons are salt-and-pepper gray and black with a prominent black “mask” over their eyes. They are stocky with a heavily furred, ringed tail. A raccoon’s tail is about half the size of their head and body. Raccoons have long slender feet, their feet have bare bottoms, and they have “finger-like” toes. Raccoons have 4 legs. Their hind legs are longer than their front legs, which gives them a hunched appearance. Raccoons are mid sized animals about 2 to 3 feet in length. They weigh 10 to 30 pounds.
Habitat and Habits of raccoons
Raccoons are nocturnal animals. They hunt and forage at night.
Raccoons prefer heavily wooded areas with access to trees, water, and vegetation. They typically make their dens in tree cavities, rock crevices, and abandoned burrows. Raccoons are very adaptable which has given them the ability to move into a wide range of habitats including manmade ones. They can be found in suburban and urban areas, making their homes in attics, sewers, and barns.
Raccoons are independent after 12 to 14 months of age, but will live in close proximity to other raccoons for protection against predators. They are good swimmers and great climbers. Raccoons do not hibernate but do tend to sleep more in the winter. Female raccoons have one litter a year with 1 to 7 cubs in early summer. In the wild, raccoons live about 2 to 3 years, but in captivity can live up to 20 years.
Raccoons can be pesky to humans by destroying gardens, invading trash cans, and entering homes. They are cute but in the wild tend to be aggressive toward humans especially during mating season. In captivity, raccoons can be affectionate and become very attached to their owners. However, if they become frightened or angry they can and will bite.
Diet – What do raccoons eat?
Raccoons are omnivores. They eat just about anything and everything they get their paws on. Their favorite foods include nuts and seeds, sweets, fruits, plants, eggs, birds, snakes, and frogs.
Raccoon Control – How to get rid of raccoons?
There are various precautions that homeowners can take to try to avoid a raccoon infestation. Repair and seal any home entry points, use tightly fitting, animal proof garbage can lids, and store firewood at least 20 feet from your home.
If an infestation is suspected contact Rocky Mountain Bird and Pest to inspect the property and formulate a plan to get rids of raccoons. Homeowners should not attempt to address an infestation themselves, especially since these wild animals may be carrying rabies, raccoon roundworm or another disease.