Scientific Name

Skunks are mammals native to North, Central, and South America. Skunks are most well known for the noxious odor produced from their scent glands. When skunks get frightened, they shoot a smelly, oily substance from a gland beneath their tails with a range of up to 10 feet. This substance is known as skunk musk. There are 10 species of skunks. Skunks can spread disease such as leptospirosis, tularemia, and rabies.
Identification and Appearance – What do skunks look like?
Most skunks have black and white fur, but some can have brown, gray, or even cream-colored fur. Skunks can be striped, spotted or have swirl patterns on their fur. They have fluffy tails, moderately elongated bodies, short well-muscled legs, and long front claws. Skunks are 15 to 20 inches long and weigh 6 to 10 pounds on average.
Habitat and Habits of skunks
Skunks live in woodlands, grasslands, and deserts. They typically will make their homes in abandoned burrows, under buildings, under large rocks, and in hollow logs, sometimes they will dig their own burrows in the ground. Their range is generally 1/2 to 1 1/2 square miles but will increase up to 5 miles during breeding season.
Skunks prefer to live a solitary life accept to mate. Skunks have poor eyesight but great hearing and smell. They are primarily active during twilight. While skunks are not true hibernators, they will hold up for long periods of time during the cold months. Males live alone during the winter, but females will congregate to stay warm. Skunks breed in February or March and have their litters in late April through early June. They have 1-7 kits in a litter. Skunks live 2 to 4 years.
Skunks are non aggressive and won’t harm people unless threatened. When frightened or threatened, skunks will stomp their feet, growl, spit, fluff their fur, and shake their tail. If this doesn’t work to deter the intruder, the skunk will turn around a spay them with their notorious skunk musk.
Diet – What do skunks eat?
Skunks are omnivores. They eat both plants and animals, changing their diet with the seasons. They eat insects, larvae, earthworms, grubs, rodents, moles, frogs, small snakes and birds, and eggs. They will also commonly eat berries, roots, leaves, grasses, and nuts.
Skunk Control – How to get rid of skunks?
Skunk control and removal should be initiated as soon as the animal has been discovered living under a home or in a shed. The best method to get rid of a skunk is to trap it and then remove it. Skunk trapping can be tricky due to the animal’s ability to spray. Once the skunk is removed it is best to abolish all entry points and eliminate all possible food sources. This prevents more skunks from inhabiting the area.